
Loop Organics provides specialist organic waste and biosolids processing and beneficial
reuse services including:


  • Strategically located 1.5 hours from Sydney
  • 55,000 tonnes per annum processing facility and composting site in the Hunter Valley
  • Organics processing of food organics, garden organics, FOGO, greenwaste, biosolids, grease trap, organic fibrous material and paper crumble

Biosolids management services

  • Lagoon desludging
  • Biosolids dewatering and air drying
  • Collection and transport of biosolids
  • Agricultural land application of biosolids as fertiliser
  • Mine rehabilitation
  • Composting

 Food manufacturing waste management

  • Lagoon desludging
  • Solids dewatering and air drying
  • Collection and transport of organic wastes
  • Agricultural land application
  • Composting
  • Waste classification
  • Optimisation and efficiency of waste processes

Soil injection of liquid food wastes & sludges

  • Fleet of sludge injection vehicles
  • Collection and transport
  • Contract liquids injection
  • Production of high quality crops

Consulting Services


  • Biosolids management short and long term strategies
  • Market reviews
  • Cost/benefit analysis of biosolids treatment and reuse options
  • Regulatory advice and liaison
  • Storage strategies
  • Biosolids and soil sampling and analysis reports
  • Effluent reuse opportunities and efficiency
  • Wastewater treatment plant opportunities and efficiencies
  • Auditing
  • Lagoon surveys
  • Wastewater irrigation scheme hydraulic, nutrient and salt balances
  • Irrigation scheme wastewater and soil monitoring

Our team  is made of scientists, engineers and operators who are highly experienced in the wastewater and waste industry.